
Indonesia, Organizations Humanitarian


AKUI - Humanitarian Action For IndonesiaAKUI - Humanitarian Action For Indonesia - - This humanitarian organization formed by members of the Indonesian community in the Netherlands also focuses on human rights advocacy. Contains profile and a newsletter about the humanitarian situation in the country. Bengkel AmalBengkel Amal - Non-profit organization under the Indonesian Students Association in the US (PERMIAS) focusing on child sponsorship program.
The Electric Lamb MissionThe Electric Lamb Mission - Disaster relief and outreach organization in Indonesia, focused on Aceh. Habitat for Humanity IndonesiaHabitat for Humanity Indonesia - non-profit, non-denomination Christian housing organization dedicated to eradicating homelessness and poverty housing by means of constructing simple and affordable housing.
International Relief and Development (IRD)International Relief and Development (IRD) - Indonesian programs of this international organization. KalyanamitraKalyanamitra - Women's Communication and Information Center, with the goal to build a movement against all forms of abuse against women.


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