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| The Australian Orangutan Project - AOP - - Supports many orangutan conservation organizations.
| | Berau Forest Management Project - A pilot project created in 1996 by European Union and The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry to develop a replicable example of sustainable forest management in Indonesia.
| BOS - Balikpapan Orangutan Survival Foundation - - Supporting the orangutans and their reintroduction to their natural habitat in Kalimantan. Site includes profile, news, informations on orangutans and background environmental information about Kalimantan.
| | Friends of the Environment Fund - An Indonesian not for profit and independent organization aiming at implementing sustainable development concept and assisting various conservation efforts.
| BOS UK - The Balikpapan Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) helps sponsor a reintroduction program for confiscated orangutans on the island of Borneo.
| | ICBB - Indonesian Center for Biodiversity and Biotechology - - Site of a non-profit, non-governmental research organization with mission to develop people's awareness of biodiversity and biotechnology.
| KEHATI Foundation - Grantmaking foundation for programs in the area of Indonesian biodiversity conservation. Bilingual site.
| | Volunteers Alliance for Saving the Nature (Arupa) - NGO based in Yogyakarta who fights to revise inappropriate national forestry, resource management paradigms and policies. Contains profile and description of publications. Publications themselves are in Indonesian and Javanese.
| WARSI - Conservation Information Forum - - Network made up of twelve NGOs from four provinces in Sumatra whose focus is biodiversity conservation and community development. Presentation of the organization and of its various projects.
| | WWF Indonesia - Site of the Indonesian chapter of the WWF For Nature, an independent conservation organization. Includes e-card, merchandise, news and online activity kit.